
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 20 09 24
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Manager; Research; Teaching

Manager pédagogique de futurs ingénieurs à CESI, j'ai apporté mon dynamisme et mon leadership pour développer le campus lillois et gérer ses formations d'ingénieur en spécialité informatique.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Ingénieur R&D en biomécanique humaine

Michel est un explorateur de savoir pour qui la science n'a de sens que si elle est communiquée. Il se passionne pour la biomécanique humaine et la vulgarisation scientifique
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Biomedical engineering

Hello! I have a PhD in biomedical engineering and I am excited about collaborating with like-minded professionals who share my enthusiasm for teamwork, practicality, and analytical thinking.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Coordination pédagogique, enseignement et formation, conseil en communication institutionnelle

Doctorante en civilisation de l'Espagne contemporaine, je travaille sur la question religieuse et son corollaire anachronique, la laïcité. J'enseigne aussi l'espagnol commercial en L1 et L2.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Scientifique, Manager Laboratoire, R&D

Passionnée de Biologie et d'Innovation, animée par la communication, le management de projets et de personnes, je recherche un poste de cadre dans le domaine de la Biologie.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Chemical process engineering

I am an enthusiastic research engineer with a strong background in chemical process engineering and CFD. With multi-disciplinary background and experiences, I have plunged into the emerging trend of C
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Chef de Projet R&D - Dispositif médicaux

Scientifique innovant et entrepreneur, catalyseur d'innovation dans le secteur de la santé.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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(Honorary) Doctor of Philosophy in Leisure Science (PhD in Leisure) from Abide University, United States of America

Welcome to my doctoral profile organized to know better to the explored world society of doctor of philosophy. I'm active duty military, and ordained Knight (KofC). —
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Embedded systems engineer

Last modified on 20 09 24
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Chercheur en physique des hautes énergies

Je suis doctorant en physique des particules, ma thèse porte sur la recherche de particules fortement ionisantes au sein de l'expérience CMS.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Last modified on 20 09 24
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Métier et secteur ciblés

Last modified on 20 09 24
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PhD researcher - Nanophotonics and ML techniques

Hi! I'm Julian, a PhD researcher currently residing in France. I am working at the Université de Technologie de Troyes on the modeling of biomimetic photonic structures using Symbolic Regression.
Last modified on 20 09 24
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Specialist in cross-border insolvency

PhD student in cross-border insolvency | I solve my clients' problems by creating problems for my opponents | M2 LLM International Economic Law (MINTEC)