
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Valorisation et transfert de technologies

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Industrial engineering

Hello and welcome to my profile! PhD student at the University of Strasbourg (INSA Strasbourg), specialized in Lean management and production systems design.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Recherche et développement

Doctorant en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire dans le secteur du cancer
Last modified on 27 07 24
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R&D Engineer - Biomaterials & Nanotech

R&D engineer in biomaterials and nanotechnology with graphene expertise, I turn innovation into groundbreaking solutions for healthcare and advanced materials.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Last modified on 27 07 24
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Last modified on 27 07 24
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Industrial Engineer | Optimization and Reliability PhD Student

I'm a second year PhD student in Optimisation and Reliability a in France in double degree within Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Colombia.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Biomedical engineering

Hello! I have a PhD in biomedical engineering and I am excited about collaborating with like-minded professionals who share my enthusiasm for teamwork, practicality, and analytical thinking.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Last modified on 27 07 24
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Ingénieur R&D Biomatériaux

Bonjour, je m'appelle Rodolphe Migneret, je suis doctorant en ingénierie des polymères. Ma thèse porte sur la fabrication d'un biomatériau pour une maladie rare.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Last modified on 27 07 24
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Physicien de la matière condensée

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Recherche scientifique, enseignement au secondaire et au supérieur, expertise, consultance et analysé, collaboration scientifiue

Merci de prendre de votre temps pour consulter ce profil. Je suis passionné par les questions militaires et sécuritaires de l'histoire africaine et donc m'intéresse aux projets dans ce sens.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Recherche scientifique, enseignement et consultance.

Merci de prendre de votre temps pour consulter ce profil. Je suis passionné par les questions militaires et sécuritaires, passionné d'histoire africaine et je m'intéresse aux projets dans ce sens.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Doctorante en biophysique