
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 28 04 24
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R&D scientist in Sustainble construction materials

As a Doctoral researcher, I am dedicated to contributing to the advancement of knowledge in my field of research and building a strong foundation for a successful career in academia or industry.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Recherche académique

Last modified on 28 04 24
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Research in Modern Literature, Arts and Teaching

Last modified on 28 04 24
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Ingénieur R&D

Last modified on 28 04 24
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PhD student

Last modified on 28 04 24
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Ingénieur en gestion des risques urbains

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ut sint odio vel laboriosam ratione et quam soluta est deleniti totam ut libero consequuntur sit consequuntur nihil a voluptas magni.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Scientist in virology - HIV-1

Hello! I am a virology scientist having marketing backgroud, possessing developed experimental and data analysis skills.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Ph.D. Researcher (Neutrino Physics)

Who do I want to be? A neutrino physicist - full time. With core skills such as organisation, networking and teamwork - as well as values of faith, hope and love - I believe we can achieve together!
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Ingénieur R&D chimie des matériaux

Titulaire d’un doctorat en sciences des matériaux, je suis passionnée par la R&D au service de la construction d’un avenir durable. Je peux vous accompagner dans le développement des procédés de synth
Last modified on 28 04 24
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docteur en psychologie et en neurosciences

Sage-femme depuis 10 ans et docteur en psychologie et neurosciences, je travaille depuis plusieurs années sur la dépression post natale et la mindfulness.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Research Engineer - PhD Candidate | Alstom & Gustave Eiffel University

Research Engineer in Green Traction at Alstom and Doctoral Student at the Gustave Eiffel University. My research focuses on the energy transition of rail transport (hydrogen, batteries, biofuels).
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Assistanat administratif, gestion logistique

Last modified on 28 04 24
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chargé d'études économiques et statistiques

Economiste et statisticien. Je suis spécialiste en économie du développement, économie des migrations et économique publique. J'ai une appétence pour l'analyse des données.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Researcher in materials chemistry

I am a driven materials chemist with a passion for R&D and 6 years of research experience gained during my Ph.D. and postdoc.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Last modified on 28 04 24
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Healthcare management research

As a medical expert, I started a PhD in Management Sciences at IMT Atlantique to understand the socio-organisational determinants involved in the diffusion of innovative technologies.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Chercheur/Chef de projet

Activement à la recherche d’un emploi, je serai très heureuse de pouvoir mettre l’ensemble de mes compétences au service d’une entreprise auvergnate impliquée dans le domaine de la santé.
Last modified on 28 04 24
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Scientifique, Manager Laboratoire, R&D

Passionnée de Biologie et d'Innovation, animée par la communication, le management de projets et de personnes, je recherche un poste de cadre dans le domaine de la Biologie.