Fabrice Paillous

Research engineer in image processing and data science

Fabrice Paillous

Fabrice Paillous

Research engineer in image processing and data science

Core business

Expertise and methods
Core business

Expertise and methods

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- improving and development of new methods for non-linear tomography applied to lightning - work on multiphysics problems : plasmas physics, photonics and data processing - collaboration with expert from different disciplines: lightning certification, plasma physics, photonic, data processing - go to difference conferences: deeplearn 2019, ICOLSE 2019… Read technical books and articles depending of the need - estimate experimental uncertainty (uncertainty of devices, repeated measurement) and numerical uncertainty (Monte Carlo method, repeated measurement) - presentation of the work and ongoing difficulties to expert from different discipline as from general public. In order to get review or to present the work (visit of the lab, popularisation events, intern meeting or technical meeting).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Is familiar with recent progress in fields related to his own.

  • Is able to engage in dialogue and collaboration with experts in other disciplines or fields of activity.

  • Takes ownership of new research methods and techniques.

  • Is able to document and evaluate his activities using statistical methods where applicable.

  • Can formulate complex problems that correspond to new challenges.

  • Is able to develop arguments in support of new projects.

  • Knows how to adapt his arguments to his audience.

  • Advises and assists his staff in making appropriate use of investigative methods, improving their performance and enhancing their skills.

Information management
Core business

Information management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- read articles, dissertation in different language: French, English and Germain. - use bibliographic, patent and intern databases to identify the resource - if possible, use crossed validation between different research work, article or experimental result: merge of spectroscopy databases (NIST and Kurucz), identification of wrong Stark broadening for aluminium spectral lines. - use of Zotero, Mendeley - use of intern database (spectroscopy database, articles, report)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to review the state of the art (SOTA) in a scientific topic.

  • Makes efficient use of information-gathering methods, identifies pertinent resources, particularly bibliographic resources.

  • Masters web-based research (e.g., bibliographic databases, patent databases)

  • Knows how to judge the pertinence of information, critique sources and check source reliability.

  • Designs and implements information-gathering and management systems using suitable technology.

  • Addresses issues relating to the security and life cycle of data.

  • Seeks out support from experts in information and data management.

Core business


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- comparison of different databases: Stark broadening, atomic spectra databases - crossed reading of several articles - calibration of experimental setup: estimation of uncertainty with limit of instrument and statistical measurements - estimation of numerical model uncertainty with a Monte Carlo method - use reviews of expert from different disciplines to validate and develop new experimental and numerical methods.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Evaluates the value of various documents concerning his field of expertise.

  • Is able to judge his own results in terms of both quality and added value.

  • Is willing to expose ideas to a critical audience; takes others’ opinions of his work into account.

  • Is willing to evaluate the work of other contributors and provides reasoned, realistic judgments of others’ work.

Skill development
Core business

Skill development

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- assist to several class or conferences to improve the needed skills: deep learning, propagation of uncertainty, wavelet, PCA (Principal component analysis), frequency probabilities, entrepreneurship - learning by reading the state of the art with technical books, articles or dissertations.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Takes a critical look at his skills and experience and regularly fine-tunes his career goals.
  • Knows how to develop new skills to keep step with changing knowledge and needs.
  • Relies on advice from competent professionals (coaching) or experienced staff and takes their opinions into account; uses his networks to manage his career.
  • Is able to evolve gradually from technical expertise to managerial expertise.
  • Helps his staff develop their skills and networks and assists them in achieving career development goals.

Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- achievement of new method to analyse data : new method for non-linear tomography, the accuracy of the tomography reconstruction is increase progressively, use the form of spline function to define the local thermodynamic values (the function are not fitted with limited number of point used for the interpolation), method to estimate the uncertainty, an entropic criterium to select the spectral range for spectroscopy with allow a better determination of local thermodynamic values. - introduction of the work during conferences or meeting - writing publication : PhD dissertation, articles for conferences, one foresaw article of the entropic criterium to determinate the optimal spectral range for spectroscopy
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
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  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- design and realisation of several experimental setup and data analysis method to measure the interaction of lightning and material. - development of physic model to fit with the experimental measurement (vaporisation, spectroscopy, mechanics) - work with people from different backgrounds: private and public laboratories, different research teams (aeronautical certification, plasma physic, spectroscopy, photonic, data processing) - work on interdisciplinary projects: working and collaborate with people from different discipline (aeronautical certification, plasma physic, spectroscopy, photonic, data processing) - take advantage of the diversity of people in order to achieve the PhD
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Explores related fields.

  • Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.

  • Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.

  • Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.

  • Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.

  • Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.

  • Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- commitment in opensource project (LibreLatex). I had adapted to a various kind of tasks: leadership, project management, team management, programming, legal aspects, marketing campaign (contact with all French universities) , blog post writing and website development. - Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff: keep the same team during the project life, regular work, gratitude of their work, commitment of the team in the project decisions
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Can picture himself in other contexts; applies his commitment and motivation to other activities and fields of expertise.

  • Perseveres in his undertakings and projects; paves the way for other staff and supports them.

  • Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- measurement and uncertainty were publish together. All factor of uncertainty were taken into account. - the experimental conditions are published. - all work from other co-worker or research team used are quoted - take into account the interest of the academic laboratory as the host company
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- presentation in front of different audience: general public (conferences for general public, presentation of the laboratory for general public, Open House Day), for general scientific or engineer (for people from other discipline) and for specialized audience (intern meeting, conferences) - exchange with people of different research group in order to take advantage of their expertise, to validate the hypothesis, setup or method and to develop new ones. - improving my knowledge by assist to conference and class, and by reading specialised article or technical books. - I’m able to reconcile career and personal life: I drove the development of an opensource project during my PhD and finish successfully both of them.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Is aware of his aptitudes, knows how to take advantage of them and demonstrate them.

  • Expresses himself relevantly, confidently and didactically.

  • Recognizes the limits of his knowledge, skills and expertise, and knows where to find support when needed.

  • Is able to consider his practices and experience as part of the bigger picture.

  • Develops his strengths and knows how to correct his weaknesses by seeking the opinion of others.

  • Is aware of the need to reconcile career and personal life.

  • Develops mechanisms to cope with pressure and seeks support when needed.

Listening and empathy
Personal and relational qualities

Listening and empathy

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- I take into consideration the interest of each people (CentraleSupélec vs ONERA) - the measurement make during the PhD were done according to the need of the validation, in order to validate the simulation model. (ONERA) - I’m regularly encouraging people for their task and I don’t hesitate congratulate my co-worker for their work. (LibreLatex) - I adjust the workload of my co-worker according to their availability (LibreLatex)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to engage in active listening in various situations.

  • Is careful to take his contacts’ needs and frame of reference into account.

  • Expresses gratitude regularly.

  • Takes the needs of his staff into consideration, is sensitive to signs of stress and able to provide support and advice when needed.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- different interest need of various of result vs need of quality in order to publish in review (ONERA vs CentraleSupélec) - adjustment of the PhD schedule to fit with availability of the laboratory et the personnel
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.

  • Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- realisation of various kind of communication: for general public (Open House Day of ONERA and EDF), general scientific public (presentation of the work for team from other discipline), specialized public (conferences and internal meeting) - various media of communication: article, PowerPoint presentation, poster and oral presentation (conference, meeting,…) - internship in Germany (Nuremberg) - article and conference in French and English
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- achievement of new method to analyse data : new method for non-linear tomography, the accuracy of the tomography reconstruction is increase progressively, use the form of spline function to define the local thermodynamic values (the function are not fitted with limited number of point used for the interpolation), method to estimate the uncertainty, an entropic criterium to select the spectral range for spectroscopy with allow a better determination of local thermodynamic values. - introduction of the work during conferences or meeting - writing publication : PhD dissertation, articles for conferences, one foresaw article of the entropic criterium to determinate the optimal spectral range for spectroscopy
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
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  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- design and realisation of several experimental setup and data analysis method to measure the interaction of lightning and material. - development of physic model to fit with the experimental measurement (vaporisation, spectroscopy, mechanics) - work with people from different backgrounds: private and public laboratories, different research teams (aeronautical certification, plasma physic, spectroscopy, photonic, data processing) - work on interdisciplinary projects: working and collaborate with people from different discipline (aeronautical certification, plasma physic, spectroscopy, photonic, data processing) - take advantage of the diversity of people in order to achieve the PhD
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Explores related fields.

  • Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.

  • Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.

  • Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.

  • Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.

  • Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.

  • Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- commitment in opensource project (LibreLatex). I had adapted to a various kind of tasks: leadership, project management, team management, programming, legal aspects, marketing campaign (contact with all French universities) , blog post writing and website development. - Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff: keep the same team during the project life, regular work, gratitude of their work, commitment of the team in the project decisions
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Can picture himself in other contexts; applies his commitment and motivation to other activities and fields of expertise.

  • Perseveres in his undertakings and projects; paves the way for other staff and supports them.

  • Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- measurement and uncertainty were publish together. All factor of uncertainty were taken into account. - the experimental conditions are published. - all work from other co-worker or research team used are quoted - take into account the interest of the academic laboratory as the host company
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- presentation in front of different audience: general public (conferences for general public, presentation of the laboratory for general public, Open House Day), for general scientific or engineer (for people from other discipline) and for specialized audience (intern meeting, conferences) - exchange with people of different research group in order to take advantage of their expertise, to validate the hypothesis, setup or method and to develop new ones. - improving my knowledge by assist to conference and class, and by reading specialised article or technical books. - I’m able to reconcile career and personal life: I drove the development of an opensource project during my PhD and finish successfully both of them.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is aware of his aptitudes, knows how to take advantage of them and demonstrate them.

  • Expresses himself relevantly, confidently and didactically.

  • Recognizes the limits of his knowledge, skills and expertise, and knows where to find support when needed.

  • Is able to consider his practices and experience as part of the bigger picture.

  • Develops his strengths and knows how to correct his weaknesses by seeking the opinion of others.

  • Is aware of the need to reconcile career and personal life.

  • Develops mechanisms to cope with pressure and seeks support when needed.

Listening and empathy
Personal and relational qualities

Listening and empathy

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- I take into consideration the interest of each people (CentraleSupélec vs ONERA) - the measurement make during the PhD were done according to the need of the validation, in order to validate the simulation model. (ONERA) - I’m regularly encouraging people for their task and I don’t hesitate congratulate my co-worker for their work. (LibreLatex) - I adjust the workload of my co-worker according to their availability (LibreLatex)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Knows how to engage in active listening in various situations.

  • Is careful to take his contacts’ needs and frame of reference into account.

  • Expresses gratitude regularly.

  • Takes the needs of his staff into consideration, is sensitive to signs of stress and able to provide support and advice when needed.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- different interest need of various of result vs need of quality in order to publish in review (ONERA vs CentraleSupélec) - adjustment of the PhD schedule to fit with availability of the laboratory et the personnel
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.

  • Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- realisation of various kind of communication: for general public (Open House Day of ONERA and EDF), general scientific public (presentation of the work for team from other discipline), specialized public (conferences and internal meeting) - various media of communication: article, PowerPoint presentation, poster and oral presentation (conference, meeting,…) - internship in Germany (Nuremberg) - article and conference in French and English
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Fabrice Paillous

Fabrice Paillous

Research engineer in image processing and data science

Business management and value creation

Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- planning of the PhD and the opensource project LibreLatex with a consideration of priorities of the different tasks. - take into account the need and availability of people and experimental facilities to define the planning and to know which tasks have priority. - define the specification for the experimental setups as for the data processing - react to the unforeseen events: use of mask for the spectroscopy, proposal and realisation of new methods for tomography reconstruction - to estimate the accuracy of all the acquisition chain, an evaluation of experimental uncertainty as the numerical uncertainty have been realised.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing risks
Business management and value creation

Managing risks

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- risk of the project: the critical steps are determined with a Gantt diagram - risk of the result: the complexity of the model was increased continuously during the PhD in order to always have something useable (first method of reconstruction, second method of reconstruction).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Can determine the risks related to his project and the means for controlling them.
  • Is aware that technological and financial risks increase during the innovation process.
  • Understands the concept of corporate social responsibility.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- proposal of new solution or optimisation adapt to the need: phase change model, tomography reconstruction methods. - fit with the experimental condition: the old calibration lamp was making a non-uniform light. To use the calibration, I supposed a spatial dependency to correct the calibration. After buying a new calibration lamp, we were able to validate the first calibration obtain with thus assumption. - implementation of alternative solutions: use of PCA to reduce the calculation or calculate the entropy, use of mathematical simplification consistent with the physic of lighting arc to reduce the calculation. - proposal of a reschedule of the PhD in order optimize the available time.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Realizes that no one solution is perfect; can reconcile the imperatives of the market with the quest for technical optimization.
  • Is able to make choices and assume the consequences of his decisions; has the ability to reconsider decisions when needed.
People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Leadership of an opensource project – team of 3 volunteer (LibreLatex) - acknowledgement of the work of other people: citation of source in article, as in the dissertation or in presentation - regularly reporting of my work: one time per week during the first lockdown. - bring new idea for the experimental part as for the processing of data: new experimental setup to measure the mechanical deformation (new pattern and optical configuration), count of drop of water (method of detection, reducing of the noise), detection of the mechanical deformation (subpixel detection)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- work area from the design to the realisation and use: tomography and spectroscopy setup, reconstruction methods for spectroscopy, entropy criterium, phase change model - use of the first result in order optimise the innovation: optimisation of the reconstruction methods and of the spectral data bases. - use of a gradual development: gradual improving of the spectral data base, of the reconstruction methods, of the reconstruction complexity and of the phase change model. - take the necessary time to develop the different step of the research and maintain a consistent reasoning in order to publish (change phase model, entropy criterium)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to transform ideas into innovations.

  • Quickly deploys prototype and test phases; involves internal and external customers in these phases.

  • Learns the lessons of the initial tests.

  • Understands the policies and processes involved in publishing and exploiting research outcomes in his entity.

  • Is able to determine the most appropriate means of exploiting his results (e.g., patent, publication).

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- citation of the sources - take into consideration intern report or restricted document
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.
Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- planning of the PhD and the opensource project LibreLatex with a consideration of priorities of the different tasks. - take into account the need and availability of people and experimental facilities to define the planning and to know which tasks have priority. - define the specification for the experimental setups as for the data processing - react to the unforeseen events: use of mask for the spectroscopy, proposal and realisation of new methods for tomography reconstruction - to estimate the accuracy of all the acquisition chain, an evaluation of experimental uncertainty as the numerical uncertainty have been realised.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing risks
Business management and value creation

Managing risks

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- risk of the project: the critical steps are determined with a Gantt diagram - risk of the result: the complexity of the model was increased continuously during the PhD in order to always have something useable (first method of reconstruction, second method of reconstruction).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Can determine the risks related to his project and the means for controlling them.
  • Is aware that technological and financial risks increase during the innovation process.
  • Understands the concept of corporate social responsibility.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- proposal of new solution or optimisation adapt to the need: phase change model, tomography reconstruction methods. - fit with the experimental condition: the old calibration lamp was making a non-uniform light. To use the calibration, I supposed a spatial dependency to correct the calibration. After buying a new calibration lamp, we were able to validate the first calibration obtain with thus assumption. - implementation of alternative solutions: use of PCA to reduce the calculation or calculate the entropy, use of mathematical simplification consistent with the physic of lighting arc to reduce the calculation. - proposal of a reschedule of the PhD in order optimize the available time.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Realizes that no one solution is perfect; can reconcile the imperatives of the market with the quest for technical optimization.
  • Is able to make choices and assume the consequences of his decisions; has the ability to reconsider decisions when needed.
People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Leadership of an opensource project – team of 3 volunteer (LibreLatex) - acknowledgement of the work of other people: citation of source in article, as in the dissertation or in presentation - regularly reporting of my work: one time per week during the first lockdown. - bring new idea for the experimental part as for the processing of data: new experimental setup to measure the mechanical deformation (new pattern and optical configuration), count of drop of water (method of detection, reducing of the noise), detection of the mechanical deformation (subpixel detection)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- work area from the design to the realisation and use: tomography and spectroscopy setup, reconstruction methods for spectroscopy, entropy criterium, phase change model - use of the first result in order optimise the innovation: optimisation of the reconstruction methods and of the spectral data bases. - use of a gradual development: gradual improving of the spectral data base, of the reconstruction methods, of the reconstruction complexity and of the phase change model. - take the necessary time to develop the different step of the research and maintain a consistent reasoning in order to publish (change phase model, entropy criterium)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to transform ideas into innovations.

  • Quickly deploys prototype and test phases; involves internal and external customers in these phases.

  • Learns the lessons of the initial tests.

  • Understands the policies and processes involved in publishing and exploiting research outcomes in his entity.

  • Is able to determine the most appropriate means of exploiting his results (e.g., patent, publication).

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- citation of the sources - take into consideration intern report or restricted document
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.

Strategy and Leadership

Strategy and Leadership


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- laboratory interest: the experimental measurements are realised in order to provide a useful data base to validate the simulation results - distributing of the tasks to the different members of LibreLatex project in accordance with their availabilities and specialities. - initial contact with expert from other teams in order to bring a better expertise for the different part of the PhD (High-performance computing, development of physical model, data processing, photonic)
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Is aware of how his project fits into the organization’s strategy and the strategic directions of the sector or field of activity.
  • Understands relationships between entities and individuals (the role and drivers of each).
  • Is able to identify influent people that support his projects and understand what they stand to gain from it.
Strategy and Leadership


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Leadership of the opensource project LibreLatex - keep the team during several years (LibreLatex) - planning of the PhD schedule according to availability of peoples, material and facilities - collaboration with other research team in order to implement some diagnostic with objective to write an article.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Exercises leadership in connection with a project of which he is in charge.
  • Knows how to be persuasive and enlist support for a project
  • .Mobilizes skills for a project of which he is not in charge; manages human resources even when people do not officially report to him.
  • Builds alliances.
  • Establishes relationships based on trust.