Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA


Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA

Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA


Core business

Skill development
Core business

Skill development

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En préparant mes travaux de recherche aussi bien en Masters qu'en doctorat, j'ai appris à travailler de façon méthodique pour l'atteinte de mes objectifs. La recherche étant avant tout un travail en équipe où l'on partage et reçoit, j'ai pu développer mon sens du relationnel et appris aux cotés de mes supérieurs (Directeurs de mémoire et de thèse) et collègues (techniciens et ingénieurs). La rigueur scientifique, la remise en question et l'analyse des données sont entres autres d'autres qualités que mon parcours universitaire m'a apporté.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Takes a critical look at his skills and experience and regularly fine-tunes his career goals.
  • Knows how to develop new skills to keep step with changing knowledge and needs.
  • Relies on advice from competent professionals (coaching) or experienced staff and takes their opinions into account; uses his networks to manage his career.
  • Is able to evolve gradually from technical expertise to managerial expertise.
  • Helps his staff develop their skills and networks and assists them in achieving career development goals.
Core business


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Mes communications scientifiques aussi bien écrites qu'orales ont toutes été soumises à la critique aussi bien de mes coéquipiers que des comités de lectures scientifiques internationaux.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Evaluates the value of various documents concerning his field of expertise.

  • Is able to judge his own results in terms of both quality and added value.

  • Is willing to expose ideas to a critical audience; takes others’ opinions of his work into account.

  • Is willing to evaluate the work of other contributors and provides reasoned, realistic judgments of others’ work.

Information management
Core business

Information management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Vieille scientifique pour la bibliographie ciblée sur thème Intégrité scientifique sur les droits d'auteurs et l'exploitations des données
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to review the state of the art (SOTA) in a scientific topic.

  • Makes efficient use of information-gathering methods, identifies pertinent resources, particularly bibliographic resources.

  • Masters web-based research (e.g., bibliographic databases, patent databases)

  • Knows how to judge the pertinence of information, critique sources and check source reliability.

  • Designs and implements information-gathering and management systems using suitable technology.

  • Addresses issues relating to the security and life cycle of data.

  • Seeks out support from experts in information and data management.

Personal and relational qualities

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Pour le financement de mon projet de thèse, j'ai défendu ce projet à un concours d'attribution de financement par l'établissement J'ai participé à quatre rencontres scientifiques en microbiologie en tant que communicant où j'ai présenté mes travaux de thèses. J'ai aussi participé à la fête de la science 2023 où j'ai pu expliquer la microbiologie aux écoliers du primaire au lycée sans oublier les visiteurs adultes.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Coopération entre ma structure d'accueil l'UR4312 CBSA et mon école de formation d'origine ESTBA Université de Lomé via mon Directeur de thèse et le Directeur de la dite école
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Develops and maintains cooperative networks.

  • Knows how to build a professional network for his own and the company’s benefit.

  • Is considered an authority in his field of expertise.

  • Is able to envisage his work in a partnership framework; evaluates the benefits and limitations of a partnership and identifies shared and conflicting interests.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La rédaction scientifique nécessite un esprit de synthèse, une rigueur et une clarté dans les idées que j'ai pu améliorer au cousr de mes productions scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai eu la chance d’évoluer dans un environnement multiculturel (en Afrique de l'ouest puis en France) , ce qui m’a permis d’avoir une certaine ouverture d’esprit, de relativité contribuant grandement à mon sens d’adaptation. Ma curiosité naturelle et mon sens de questionnement me permettent un rapprochement avec les acteurs scientifiques de mon réseau.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Demonstrates an ability to acquire knowledge; shows flexibility and open-mindedness. Engages in interdisciplinary activities.

  • Possesses a constructive style of questioning and scientific doubt.

  • Develops, takes ownership of and tests new ideas; is clever; seizes opportunities.

  • Interacts with and seeks the collaboration of professionals of different cultures; knows how to accommodate cultural differences.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Le parcours universitaire et surtout la thèse, est un bon moyen de tester sa ténacité face aux difficultés de la recherche scientifique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Recognizes and can clearly identify his sources of motivation.

  • Is able to sustain his commitment and motivation in the face of setbacks and adversity.

  • Deals efficiently with the routine aspects of his job.

  • Strives for excellence; shows determination.

  • Learns from his mistakes and bounces back from failures.

  • Relies on the support and assistance of his peers.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Formation à l'intégrité scientifique
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Pour le financement de mon projet de thèse, j'ai défendu ce projet à un concours d'attribution de financement par l'établissement J'ai participé à quatre rencontres scientifiques en microbiologie en tant que communicant où j'ai présenté mes travaux de thèses. J'ai aussi participé à la fête de la science 2023 où j'ai pu expliquer la microbiologie aux écoliers du primaire au lycée sans oublier les visiteurs adultes.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Coopération entre ma structure d'accueil l'UR4312 CBSA et mon école de formation d'origine ESTBA Université de Lomé via mon Directeur de thèse et le Directeur de la dite école
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Develops and maintains cooperative networks.

  • Knows how to build a professional network for his own and the company’s benefit.

  • Is considered an authority in his field of expertise.

  • Is able to envisage his work in a partnership framework; evaluates the benefits and limitations of a partnership and identifies shared and conflicting interests.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La rédaction scientifique nécessite un esprit de synthèse, une rigueur et une clarté dans les idées que j'ai pu améliorer au cousr de mes productions scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai eu la chance d’évoluer dans un environnement multiculturel (en Afrique de l'ouest puis en France) , ce qui m’a permis d’avoir une certaine ouverture d’esprit, de relativité contribuant grandement à mon sens d’adaptation. Ma curiosité naturelle et mon sens de questionnement me permettent un rapprochement avec les acteurs scientifiques de mon réseau.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Demonstrates an ability to acquire knowledge; shows flexibility and open-mindedness. Engages in interdisciplinary activities.

  • Possesses a constructive style of questioning and scientific doubt.

  • Develops, takes ownership of and tests new ideas; is clever; seizes opportunities.

  • Interacts with and seeks the collaboration of professionals of different cultures; knows how to accommodate cultural differences.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Le parcours universitaire et surtout la thèse, est un bon moyen de tester sa ténacité face aux difficultés de la recherche scientifique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Recognizes and can clearly identify his sources of motivation.

  • Is able to sustain his commitment and motivation in the face of setbacks and adversity.

  • Deals efficiently with the routine aspects of his job.

  • Strives for excellence; shows determination.

  • Learns from his mistakes and bounces back from failures.

  • Relies on the support and assistance of his peers.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Formation à l'intégrité scientifique
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA

Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA


Business management and value creation

Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Une thèse étant en soi un projet sur trois ans minimum, j'apprends donc à tenir un cahier de charges, à respecter les délais sous le contrôle avisé de mes encadrants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'évolution de ma thèse m'emmène à prendre des décisions en concertation avec mes encadrants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
  • Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La validation de la thèse est conditionnée par la publication des résultats dans un journal à comité de lecture scientifique, mes résultats seront valorisés par des articles scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to transform ideas into innovations.

  • Quickly deploys prototype and test phases; involves internal and external customers in these phases.

  • Learns the lessons of the initial tests.

  • Understands the policies and processes involved in publishing and exploiting research outcomes in his entity.

  • Is able to determine the most appropriate means of exploiting his results (e.g., patent, publication).

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Formation sur l'intégrité scientifique et aussi sur les droits d'auteurs
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.
Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Une thèse étant en soi un projet sur trois ans minimum, j'apprends donc à tenir un cahier de charges, à respecter les délais sous le contrôle avisé de mes encadrants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'évolution de ma thèse m'emmène à prendre des décisions en concertation avec mes encadrants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
  • Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La validation de la thèse est conditionnée par la publication des résultats dans un journal à comité de lecture scientifique, mes résultats seront valorisés par des articles scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to transform ideas into innovations.

  • Quickly deploys prototype and test phases; involves internal and external customers in these phases.

  • Learns the lessons of the initial tests.

  • Understands the policies and processes involved in publishing and exploiting research outcomes in his entity.

  • Is able to determine the most appropriate means of exploiting his results (e.g., patent, publication).

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Formation sur l'intégrité scientifique et aussi sur les droits d'auteurs
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.

Strategy and Leadership