Hortense Decool

Recherche en biologie appliquée à l'innovation thérapeutique

Hortense Decool

Hortense Decool

Recherche en biologie appliquée à l'innovation thérapeutique

Thesis defended on
21 01 25

Core business

Skill development
Core business

Skill development

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Mes études de pharmacie m'ont appris les bases de la santé humaine ainsi que le processus de R&D du médicament. Ces connaissances furent appliquées lors de mon doctorat de recherche en virologie, effectué en collaboration avec Janssen, où j'ai notamment testé l'efficacité de composés antiviraux ciblant le métapneumovirus humain (hMPV). J'ai ensuite souhaité tenter une expérience à l'international, à Tübingen (Allemagne). Je développe actuellement des modèles 3D de cancers gynécologique, afin de tester l'efficacité du traitement au plasma atmosphérique. Cette expérience me permet de découvrir 2 nouveaux domaines de recherche, l'oncologie et le plasma, tout en conservant un lien avec le domaine de la virologie (le HPV étant un acteur clé dans l'apparition des cancers gynécologiques).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Sets his professional goals to be ambitious yet realistic.
  • Identifies and develops means to enhance his employability throughout his career; manages his professional development.
  • Broadens and upgrades his skillset, personal qualities and achievements.
  • Uses his networks to expand his scope of competence.
  • Knows how to transfer his expertise to other fields of activity.
  • Realizes the necessarily international dimension of his career path.
  • Accepts input from a mentor or coach to benefit his professional development.
Core business


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Mes travaux de thèse de recherche ont régulièrement (1/an) été soumis à un comité de chercheurs, spécialistes en virologie, menant à des échanges instructifs qui m'ont permis de structurer et d'organiser mon projet de manière optimale. Cette expérience s'est également conclu par la soutenance de mes travaux, devant un jury d'experts. Dans mon laboratoire actuel, je me sens légitime à apporter des conseils et un regard critique sur les différents projets.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Evaluates the value of various documents concerning his field of expertise.

  • Is able to judge his own results in terms of both quality and added value.

  • Is willing to expose ideas to a critical audience; takes others’ opinions of his work into account.

  • Is willing to evaluate the work of other contributors and provides reasoned, realistic judgments of others’ work.

Information management
Core business

Information management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Dans le cadre de ma thèse de pharmacie, j'ai effectué une revue détaillée des composés antiviraux ciblant à la fois le RSV et le hMPV en tachant, pour chaque information, de revenir à la source. J'ai également pu optimiser ces travaux en les intégrant à ma thèse de recherche.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to review the state of the art (SOTA) in a scientific topic.

  • Makes efficient use of information-gathering methods, identifies pertinent resources, particularly bibliographic resources.

  • Masters web-based research (e.g., bibliographic databases, patent databases)

  • Knows how to judge the pertinence of information, critique sources and check source reliability.

  • Designs and implements information-gathering and management systems using suitable technology.

  • Addresses issues relating to the security and life cycle of data.

  • Seeks out support from experts in information and data management.

Personal and relational qualities

Personal and relational qualities


I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Personal and relational qualities


I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Hortense Decool

Hortense Decool

Recherche en biologie appliquée à l'innovation thérapeutique

Thesis defended on
21 01 25

Business management and value creation

Strategy and Leadership