
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Chef de projet recherche et développement

Je travailles actuellement en tant que Post-Doc à l'institut Pasteur. Je m'intéresse aux phénomènes de tolérance/résistance aux antibiotiques chez une famille de levures pathogène humaines.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Doctorante en radiochimie

Sujet de thèse : effet des matières organiques et des micro-organismes sur la spéciation et les transferts de l'uranium(VI) aux plantes : une approche moléculaire
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Specialist in cross-border insolvency

PhD student in cross-border insolvency | I solve my clients' problems by creating problems for my opponents | M2 LLM International Economic Law (MINTEC)
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Seismology&Satellite Geodesy

I hold a bachelor's degree in Geological Engineering, followed by a master's in Earth Sciences. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Seismology and Satellite Geodesy at Unistra.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Last modified on 27 07 24
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PhD Student

PhD student at Université de Haute-Alsace on a collaboration between IS2M (Mulhouse, France) and ISIS (Strasbourg, France), working on the development of polymers for data storage.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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ORL et chirurgien cervico-facial

Bienvenue sur le profil MyDocPro du Dr Guillaume Buiret, ORL au CH Valence, aussi actif en recherche clinique : cancérologie, sommeil, soins oncologiques de support...
Last modified on 27 07 24
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chercheur, R&D

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Métier et secteur ciblés

Last modified on 27 07 24
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R&D scientist in Sustainble construction materials

As a Doctoral researcher, I am dedicated to contributing to the advancement of knowledge in my field of research and building a strong foundation for a successful career in academia or industry.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Healthcare management research

As a medical expert, I started a PhD in Management Sciences at IMT Atlantique to understand the socio-organisational determinants involved in the diffusion of innovative technologies.
Last modified on 27 07 24
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PhD in Biotechnology and Food Engineering (Collaboration btw Fluid Air & Université de Lorraine). Expertise in drying processes, Probiotics, microencapsulation and Powder characterisation or stability
Last modified on 27 07 24
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Recherche public ou privée

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Universite de technologie de troyes

Last modified on 27 07 24
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Chirurgien / Chercheur

Docteur en chirurgie urologique, doctorant en biologie cellulaire et moléculaire, sur le développement d'un modèle d'organoïde prostatique. Thématique scientifique: cancer et hyperplasie prostatique