Gaetan Aüllo-Rasser

Chef de Projet R&D - Dispositif médicaux

Gaetan Aüllo-Rasser

Gaetan Aüllo-Rasser

Chef de Projet R&D - Dispositif médicaux

Scientifique innovant et entrepreneur, catalyseur d'innovation dans le secteur de la santé.
Thesis defended on
02 12 21 - Aix-Marseille Université - France

Core business

Skill development
Core business

Skill development

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant qu'ingénieur numéricien spécialisé en mécanique des fluides, j'ai enrichi mon profil grâce à un deuxième master universitaire, à une expérience pratique sur le terrain sous la supervision d'experts, ainsi qu'à des initiatives autonomes telles que l'entrepreneuriat et la levée de fonds. De plus, la veille scientifique et technologique, indispensable dans notre domaine, a considérablement élargi mes connaissances et compétences.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Takes a critical look at his skills and experience and regularly fine-tunes his career goals.
  • Knows how to develop new skills to keep step with changing knowledge and needs.
  • Relies on advice from competent professionals (coaching) or experienced staff and takes their opinions into account; uses his networks to manage his career.
  • Is able to evolve gradually from technical expertise to managerial expertise.
  • Helps his staff develop their skills and networks and assists them in achieving career development goals.
Core business


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Pour évaluer mes propres travaux, j'adopte un regard critique permanent, essentiel lors de l'innovation, notamment dans un secteur aussi réglementé que celui de la santé. J'ai également activement recherché des opportunités de management afin de développer ma capacité à évaluer des personnalités diverses. Enfin, l'enseignement et l'évaluation vont de pair, et cette activité est particulièrement enrichissante pour moi.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Knows how to regularly evaluate the progress, impact and outcomes of his staff’s activities.

  • Takes part in evaluating both internal and external projects.

  • Is able to evaluate hypotheses and concepts lying beyond his field of expertise.

  • Encourages his staff to take ownership of the evaluation process.

Information management
Core business

Information management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Le travail de doctorat exige une gestion rigoureuse de l'information et des connaissances, incluant la collecte, la synthèse, l'intégration et la transmission de savoirs avancés. De plus, mener seul un projet de dispositif médical, comme je l'ai fait, requiert de maîtriser une variété d'informations essentielles provenant de sources diverses telles que la littérature scientifique, l'expertise technique, l'analyse du marché et le contexte réglementaire.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Conducts advanced searches using a range of software solutions, resources and techniques, recognizing the advantages and limitations of each.

  • Masters the creation, organization, validation, sharing, storing and archiving of information and/or raw data and addresses the associated risks.

  • Understands the legal, ethical and security requirements of information management.

  • Is familiar with the value of, and uses, metadata.

  • Advises and assists his staff using information-gathering and management methods, critiquing sources and evaluating information and data.

  • Makes his staff aware of information security and legal and ethical requirements.

Expertise and methods
Core business

Expertise and methods

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Le travail de recherche scientifique requiert une maîtrise approfondie des connaissances et des compétences propres à son domaine d'expertise. Pour moi, mon manuscrit de thèse illustre parfaitement cette compétence. J'ai rédigé ce manuscrit avec l'objectif de fournir aux futurs étudiants les informations que j'aurais aimé trouver à mon arrivée sur le projet, en détaillant précisément et de manière sourcée l'état de l'art dans le domaine, ainsi que les méthodes mises en œuvre pour faire émerger de nouvelles connaissances.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is familiar with recent progress in fields related to his own.

  • Is able to engage in dialogue and collaboration with experts in other disciplines or fields of activity.

  • Takes ownership of new research methods and techniques.

  • Is able to document and evaluate his activities using statistical methods where applicable.

  • Can formulate complex problems that correspond to new challenges.

  • Is able to develop arguments in support of new projects.

  • Knows how to adapt his arguments to his audience.

  • Advises and assists his staff in making appropriate use of investigative methods, improving their performance and enhancing their skills.

Personal and relational qualities

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant que scientifique de formation, la communication constitue un pilier essentiel de ma profession, s'exprimant à travers divers formats et en direction de multiples publics. Pour ma part, j'ai un attrait particulier pour la vulgarisation et la formation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Bien que j'aie principalement dirigé mon projet de dispositif médical de manière autonome, j'ai su saisir de nombreuses opportunités de collaboration pour enrichir le projet. J'ai travaillé avec divers experts scientifiques, pôles de compétitivité, pairs, partenaires commerciaux et prestataires, ce qui m'a permis de bénéficier de leurs connaissances et compétences complémentaires.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Collaborates with people/teams who play a pivotal role on the global scale.

  • Leads networks and helps to institute dialogue between different entities.

  • Knows how to establish partnership relations with people working outside his field.

  • Has the ability to co-produce results and/or innovations.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
De mon point de vue, l'analyse, la synthèse et l'esprit critique sont fondamentaux dans la pratique scientifique. Tout au long de ma carrière, j'ai dû approfondir différents domaines jusqu'à leur état de l'art, tout en défendant des positions et des choix stratégiques basés sur des données factuelles et mes convictions personnelles.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai conçu un dispositif médical à partir d'une feuille blanche, en partant uniquement des fonctions que je souhaitais qu'il remplisse, sans être influencé par des solutions déjà existantes. Le résultat a été un dispositif médical innovant, capable de résoudre une problématique de santé affectant des millions de patients pour laquelle aucune solution n'existait jusqu'alors.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Explores related fields.

  • Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.

  • Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.

  • Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.

  • Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.

  • Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.

  • Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Engager seul un projet aussi ambitieux nécessite un dévouement total.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Recognizes and can clearly identify his sources of motivation.

  • Is able to sustain his commitment and motivation in the face of setbacks and adversity.

  • Deals efficiently with the routine aspects of his job.

  • Strives for excellence; shows determination.

  • Learns from his mistakes and bounces back from failures.

  • Relies on the support and assistance of his peers.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'intégrité est une valeur fondamentale qui guide ma vie personnelle et professionnelle. Elle assure la cohérence, la confiance et le respect.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Évoluant dans un environnement de start-up, j'ai constamment cherché à maintenir un équilibre entre ma vie professionnelle et personnelle, ce que je considère comme globalement réussi.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is aware of his aptitudes, knows how to take advantage of them and demonstrate them.

  • Expresses himself relevantly, confidently and didactically.

  • Recognizes the limits of his knowledge, skills and expertise, and knows where to find support when needed.

  • Is able to consider his practices and experience as part of the bigger picture.

  • Develops his strengths and knows how to correct his weaknesses by seeking the opinion of others.

  • Is aware of the need to reconcile career and personal life.

  • Develops mechanisms to cope with pressure and seeks support when needed.

Listening and empathy
Personal and relational qualities

Listening and empathy

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'écoute et l'empathie sont deux qualités essentielles que j'ai développées en dehors du contexte professionnel, et qui m'ont permis de résoudre certaines situations dans mon parcours professionnel.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Has the ability to listen in various situations.

  • Understands the needs and way of thinking of the people he deals with, including those with a different field of expertise, occupation and/or culture.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Bien que je ne sois pas un vendeur expérimenté, j'ai su objectiver de nombreuses situations où l'utilisation de données m'a permis de convaincre mes interlocuteurs dans l'intérêt du projet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.

  • Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant que scientifique de formation, la communication constitue un pilier essentiel de ma profession, s'exprimant à travers divers formats et en direction de multiples publics. Pour ma part, j'ai un attrait particulier pour la vulgarisation et la formation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Bien que j'aie principalement dirigé mon projet de dispositif médical de manière autonome, j'ai su saisir de nombreuses opportunités de collaboration pour enrichir le projet. J'ai travaillé avec divers experts scientifiques, pôles de compétitivité, pairs, partenaires commerciaux et prestataires, ce qui m'a permis de bénéficier de leurs connaissances et compétences complémentaires.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Collaborates with people/teams who play a pivotal role on the global scale.

  • Leads networks and helps to institute dialogue between different entities.

  • Knows how to establish partnership relations with people working outside his field.

  • Has the ability to co-produce results and/or innovations.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
De mon point de vue, l'analyse, la synthèse et l'esprit critique sont fondamentaux dans la pratique scientifique. Tout au long de ma carrière, j'ai dû approfondir différents domaines jusqu'à leur état de l'art, tout en défendant des positions et des choix stratégiques basés sur des données factuelles et mes convictions personnelles.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Analyzes his own findings and those of his peers.

  • Is able to synthesize; expresses key ideas clearly.

  • Can sort and rank information according to the goal.

  • Pursues his reasoning and hypotheses free of dogmatism or ideological bias.

  • Has the objectivity to consider various schools of thought; is able to modify his point of view.

  • Demonstrates intellectual rigor.

Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities

Open-mindedness and creativity

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai conçu un dispositif médical à partir d'une feuille blanche, en partant uniquement des fonctions que je souhaitais qu'il remplisse, sans être influencé par des solutions déjà existantes. Le résultat a été un dispositif médical innovant, capable de résoudre une problématique de santé affectant des millions de patients pour laquelle aucune solution n'existait jusqu'alors.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Explores related fields.

  • Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.

  • Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.

  • Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.

  • Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.

  • Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.

  • Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Engager seul un projet aussi ambitieux nécessite un dévouement total.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Recognizes and can clearly identify his sources of motivation.

  • Is able to sustain his commitment and motivation in the face of setbacks and adversity.

  • Deals efficiently with the routine aspects of his job.

  • Strives for excellence; shows determination.

  • Learns from his mistakes and bounces back from failures.

  • Relies on the support and assistance of his peers.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'intégrité est une valeur fondamentale qui guide ma vie personnelle et professionnelle. Elle assure la cohérence, la confiance et le respect.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Respects the standards and practices of his entity.

  • Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.

  • Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.

  • Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.

  • Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.

  • Declares any conflict of interest.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Évoluant dans un environnement de start-up, j'ai constamment cherché à maintenir un équilibre entre ma vie professionnelle et personnelle, ce que je considère comme globalement réussi.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is aware of his aptitudes, knows how to take advantage of them and demonstrate them.

  • Expresses himself relevantly, confidently and didactically.

  • Recognizes the limits of his knowledge, skills and expertise, and knows where to find support when needed.

  • Is able to consider his practices and experience as part of the bigger picture.

  • Develops his strengths and knows how to correct his weaknesses by seeking the opinion of others.

  • Is aware of the need to reconcile career and personal life.

  • Develops mechanisms to cope with pressure and seeks support when needed.

Listening and empathy
Personal and relational qualities

Listening and empathy

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
L'écoute et l'empathie sont deux qualités essentielles que j'ai développées en dehors du contexte professionnel, et qui m'ont permis de résoudre certaines situations dans mon parcours professionnel.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Has the ability to listen in various situations.

  • Understands the needs and way of thinking of the people he deals with, including those with a different field of expertise, occupation and/or culture.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Bien que je ne sois pas un vendeur expérimenté, j'ai su objectiver de nombreuses situations où l'utilisation de données m'a permis de convaincre mes interlocuteurs dans l'intérêt du projet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.

  • Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.

Gaetan Aüllo-Rasser

Gaetan Aüllo-Rasser

Chef de Projet R&D - Dispositif médicaux

Scientifique innovant et entrepreneur, catalyseur d'innovation dans le secteur de la santé.
Thesis defended on
02 12 21 - Aix-Marseille Université - France

Business management and value creation

Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En 8 ans d'expérience à la tête de ce projet de dispositif médical, j'ai démontré ma capacité à piloter des projets, gérer les délais et les ressources, gérer de nombreux imprévus, prendre des décisions cruciales pour le projet, et coordonner efficacement les différentes facettes du projet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing change
Business management and value creation

Managing change

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai dirigé la transition du projet de dispositif médical de la société mère vers la filiale. Durant cette période, j'ai réussi à concilier les défis hiérarchiques, financiers, humains, techniques, et autres.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Can adapt his approach and the project organization according to imperatives.

  • Adapts to changes and opportunities; knows how and where to find advice.

Managing risks
Business management and value creation

Managing risks

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Dans le domaine des dispositifs médicaux, une vigilance accrue face aux risques est indispensable. La balance bénéfices/risques guide toutes les décisions que je prends dans mon activité.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Analyzes and identifies the risks created by an activity.
  • Educates and trains staff and partners in the implementation of appropriate risk management procedures.
  • Takes social and environmental imperatives into account in the projects he manages.
  • Educates and trains his staff in the imperatives of social and environmental responsibility.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La gestion d'un projet complexe comme le lancement sur le marché d'un dispositif médical requiert une compétence quotidienne en prise de décisions, surtout dans le contexte de technologies innovantes.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
  • Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Obtaining and managing funding
Business management and value creation

Obtaining and managing funding

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Chez ExoLab, j'ai pris en charge la planification financière intégrale pour la levée de fonds. J'ai collaboré étroitement avec divers acteurs du financement public et privé, acquérant ainsi une compréhension approfondie de la stratégie de financement de l'innovation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Has the knowledge to manage the budgetary, financial and accounting aspects of his projects and activities.
  • Is able to make choices.
  • Is familiar with available sources of innovation funding and knows how to mobilize them.
  • Views his activity in the context of investment/return on investment.
  • Advises and guides his staff in the financing and budget follow-up of activities.
  • Advises and guides his staff in creating value and generating revenue and funding.
People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Évoluant dans un environnement startup, j'ai dû collaborer avec des prestataires externes pour obtenir les compétences essentielles au projet. En tant que chef de projet, j'ai réussi à convaincre des profils de haute qualité de participer à cette aventure en tant que prestataires. Enfin, j'ai gagné la pleine confiance et l'autonomie de ma hiérarchie en étant nommé président de l'entreprise dédiée au lancement du dispositif médical.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant que scientifique de formation, je mets quotidiennement en œuvre ma capacité à former des équipes et à me perfectionner sur des sujets d'excellence.. De plus, la production de résultats objectifs soumis à validation par les pairs constitue une part essentielle de mon activité professionnelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Always seeks news ways to improve his performance and that of his staff.

  • Knows how to detect opportunities liable to lead to a commercial application.

  • Manages the transition from research to innovation: organizes processes and manages non-deterministic aspects.

  • Meets the challenges and opportunities for value creation in his field.

  • Deploys experimental platforms.

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En collaboration avec un prestataire externe, j'ai déposé un brevet en tant qu'auteur unique lors de la création de ce dispositif médical. Étant donné que j'évolue dans le secteur de l'innovation, je suis particulièrement attentif aux questions de propriété intellectuelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.
Customer focus
Business management and value creation

Customer focus

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Tous les développements de mon précédent projet ont été orientés vers une réponse optimale aux besoins quotidiens des chirurgiens et des patients.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Is attentive to national and international markets; takes incoming and outgoing communication (suppliers, customers) into account.

  • Gathers information on the needs and expectations of internal and external customers.

  • Uses his technical expertise and familiarity with products to propose solutions tailored to customers.

  • Masters the basics of marketing.

Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En 8 ans d'expérience à la tête de ce projet de dispositif médical, j'ai démontré ma capacité à piloter des projets, gérer les délais et les ressources, gérer de nombreux imprévus, prendre des décisions cruciales pour le projet, et coordonner efficacement les différentes facettes du projet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing change
Business management and value creation

Managing change

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai dirigé la transition du projet de dispositif médical de la société mère vers la filiale. Durant cette période, j'ai réussi à concilier les défis hiérarchiques, financiers, humains, techniques, et autres.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Can adapt his approach and the project organization according to imperatives.

  • Adapts to changes and opportunities; knows how and where to find advice.

Managing risks
Business management and value creation

Managing risks

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Dans le domaine des dispositifs médicaux, une vigilance accrue face aux risques est indispensable. La balance bénéfices/risques guide toutes les décisions que je prends dans mon activité.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Analyzes and identifies the risks created by an activity.
  • Educates and trains staff and partners in the implementation of appropriate risk management procedures.
  • Takes social and environmental imperatives into account in the projects he manages.
  • Educates and trains his staff in the imperatives of social and environmental responsibility.
Business management and value creation


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
La gestion d'un projet complexe comme le lancement sur le marché d'un dispositif médical requiert une compétence quotidienne en prise de décisions, surtout dans le contexte de technologies innovantes.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
  • Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Obtaining and managing funding
Business management and value creation

Obtaining and managing funding

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Chez ExoLab, j'ai pris en charge la planification financière intégrale pour la levée de fonds. J'ai collaboré étroitement avec divers acteurs du financement public et privé, acquérant ainsi une compréhension approfondie de la stratégie de financement de l'innovation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Has the knowledge to manage the budgetary, financial and accounting aspects of his projects and activities.
  • Is able to make choices.
  • Is familiar with available sources of innovation funding and knows how to mobilize them.
  • Views his activity in the context of investment/return on investment.
  • Advises and guides his staff in the financing and budget follow-up of activities.
  • Advises and guides his staff in creating value and generating revenue and funding.
People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Évoluant dans un environnement startup, j'ai dû collaborer avec des prestataires externes pour obtenir les compétences essentielles au projet. En tant que chef de projet, j'ai réussi à convaincre des profils de haute qualité de participer à cette aventure en tant que prestataires. Enfin, j'ai gagné la pleine confiance et l'autonomie de ma hiérarchie en étant nommé président de l'entreprise dédiée au lancement du dispositif médical.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Producing results
Business management and value creation

Producing results

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant que scientifique de formation, je mets quotidiennement en œuvre ma capacité à former des équipes et à me perfectionner sur des sujets d'excellence.. De plus, la production de résultats objectifs soumis à validation par les pairs constitue une part essentielle de mon activité professionnelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Always seeks news ways to improve his performance and that of his staff.

  • Knows how to detect opportunities liable to lead to a commercial application.

  • Manages the transition from research to innovation: organizes processes and manages non-deterministic aspects.

  • Meets the challenges and opportunities for value creation in his field.

  • Deploys experimental platforms.

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En collaboration avec un prestataire externe, j'ai déposé un brevet en tant qu'auteur unique lors de la création de ce dispositif médical. Étant donné que j'évolue dans le secteur de l'innovation, je suis particulièrement attentif aux questions de propriété intellectuelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has basic knowledge of the rules of intellectual/industrial property and copyright as they apply to his own activities.

  • Understands the advantages and drawbacks of filing a patent.
  • Is aware of the importance of controlling the release of information.
Customer focus
Business management and value creation

Customer focus

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Tous les développements de mon précédent projet ont été orientés vers une réponse optimale aux besoins quotidiens des chirurgiens et des patients.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Is attentive to national and international markets; takes incoming and outgoing communication (suppliers, customers) into account.

  • Gathers information on the needs and expectations of internal and external customers.

  • Uses his technical expertise and familiarity with products to propose solutions tailored to customers.

  • Masters the basics of marketing.

Strategy and Leadership

Strategy and Leadership


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai conçu et mis en œuvre la stratégie globale pour le développement d'un dispositif médical révolutionnaire (classe 2B), depuis sa conception initiale jusqu'à la validation d'un prototype fonctionnel. Cela a commencé par une analyse approfondie du marché, suivi de l'élaboration d'un cahier des charges innovant et rigoureux, puis par la définition d'une feuille de route pour faire mûrir le projet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Observes his environment; recognizes discontinuities and micro-trends; detects weak signals.
  • Develops his own approach and shapes his understanding of the topic.
  • Encourages brainstorming and draws conclusions relevant to his area of activity.
  • Regularly produces documents of a forward-looking and strategic nature.
  • Makes sure that his activities contribute to the company’s strategy and attainment of its objectives, and to the enrichment of his organization or sector of activity.
  • Is familiar with various innovation strategies.
  • Ensures that his staff is aware of and understands their environment and the importance of strategy.
Strategy and Leadership


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Évoluant principalement dans un environnement startup, j'ai toujours travaillé avec un petit nombre de collaborateurs. Malgré cela, j'ai réussi à susciter un fort intérêt pour mon projet et à encadrer environ une vingtaine de collaborateurs temporaires. De plus, j'ai collaboré avec succès avec des experts et des profils seniors sur des aspects critiques du développement du dispositif médical.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Recognizes the need for and merits of collective effort; knows how to motivate and drive the entity he manages.
  • Is familiar with various leadership styles and adapts them to the specific project and the people on the team.
  • Is known within the company as a leader with the potential to promote ideas and initiatives and contribute effectively to their implementation.
  • Is able to impose his leadership in a competitive context.
  • Coordinates and mobilizes networks.
  • Encourages his staff to build a climate of trust.
  • Grooms his staff for future leadership roles.