Manager; Research; Teaching
Manager; Research; Teaching
Manager pédagogique de futurs ingénieurs à CESI, j'ai apporté mon dynamisme et mon leadership pour développer le campus lillois et gérer ses formations d'ingénieur en spécialité informatique.
Core business
Expertise and methods
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Mes travaux de thèse m'ont permis d'appliquer une méthodologie et d'acquérir une expertise dans les mathématiques appliquées et différentes compétences en développement, modélisation, système.
Durant des séminaires scientifiques et lorsque j'ai été consultant scientifique, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'élargir mes connaissances en valorisant des travaux scientifiques d'autres disciplines. Je sais vulgariser des travaux complexes en fonction de l'interlocuteur.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is familiar with recent progress in fields related to his own.
Is able to engage in dialogue and collaboration with experts in other disciplines or fields of activity.
Takes ownership of new research methods and techniques.
Is able to document and evaluate his activities using statistical methods where applicable.
Can formulate complex problems that correspond to new challenges.
Is able to develop arguments in support of new projects.
Knows how to adapt his arguments to his audience.
Advises and assists his staff in making appropriate use of investigative methods, improving their performance and enhancing their skills.
Core business
Information management
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai réalisé des veilles scientifiques afin de garantir que mes travaux de thèse ou les dossiers de valorisation scientifiques de travaux de mes clients constituent de réels travaux de recherche ou d'innovation, dans le respect de la propriété intellectuelle et de l'éthique. Cela m'a permis de rédiger ma thèse et des articles scientifiques. J'ai utilisé des outils appropriés à cet effet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Conducts advanced searches using a range of software solutions, resources and techniques, recognizing the advantages and limitations of each.
Masters the creation, organization, validation, sharing, storing and archiving of information and/or raw data and addresses the associated risks.
Understands the legal, ethical and security requirements of information management.
Is familiar with the value of, and uses, metadata.
Advises and assists his staff using information-gathering and management methods, critiquing sources and evaluating information and data.
Makes his staff aware of information security and legal and ethical requirements.
Core business
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Evaluer les travaux de nos étudiants est une tâche courante dans mon poste actuel. Je sais aussi évaluer la pertinence de nos contenus pédagogiques même hors de mes domaines (réseau par exemple) ainsi que de proposer des ajustements grâce aux retours qualités de nos étudiants et mes observations lors de leurs déploiements. J'ai pu proposer des processus d'évaluation au national, déployés dans l'ensemble des campus CESI.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Knows how to regularly evaluate the progress, impact and outcomes of his staff’s activities.
Takes part in evaluating both internal and external projects.
Is able to evaluate hypotheses and concepts lying beyond his field of expertise.
Encourages his staff to take ownership of the evaluation process.
Core business
Skill development
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
En tant que responsable pédagogique, je forme de futurs ingénieurs pour lesquels ces éléments sont quotidiens dans le cadre de l'accompagnement individuel que je leur procure. A CESI École d'Ingénieurs, nous formons nos étudiants avec des pédagogies actives, me conférant un rôle de manager envers eux. En conséquence, je supervise leur montée en compétences, leur fixe des objectifs pédagogiques et professionnels lors d'entretiens individuels semestriels. Dans le cadre de mon métier, je m'entretiens également avec des collègues ayant différentes expertises (managériales ou techniques) lorsque j'ai besoin de conseils pour développer mes compétences.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Takes a critical look at his skills and experience and regularly fine-tunes his career goals.
- Knows how to develop new skills to keep step with changing knowledge and needs.
- Relies on advice from competent professionals (coaching) or experienced staff and takes their opinions into account; uses his networks to manage his career.
- Is able to evolve gradually from technical expertise to managerial expertise.
- Helps his staff develop their skills and networks and assists them in achieving career development goals.
Personal and relational qualities
Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities
Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'analyse souvent les situations, aussi bien techniques, qu'humaines ou organisationnelles afin de proposer des solutions efficaces. J'ai un esprit de synthèse qui me permet de me faire comprendre et de passer les bons messages avec les bons mots. Je sais conseiller mes collègues et mes étudiants en utilisant mon esprit critique pour les aider à comprendre certaines situations complexes difficiles à appréhender.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Knows how to apply his analyzing and synthesizing abilities to new fields.
Takes ownership of new analytical methods.
Has a novel and independent way of thinking and makes significant contributions.
Questions “business-as-usual” scenarios in his activity.
Advises his staff to help them develop their own capacities of analysis and synthesis.
Stimulates critical thinking among his peers and his staff.
Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities
Open-mindedness and creativity
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'accompagne la curiosité et la créativité aussi bien auprès de mes étudiants qu'en conception pédagogique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Explores related fields.
Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.
Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.
Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.
Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.
Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.
Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai toujours travaillé de façon engagée et convaincue. Je valorise le travail de mes étudiants, les actions réalisées pour améliorer leur scolarité.
Lorsque des collègues ou étudiants ont des difficultés, j'apporte du soutien et les aide à prendre de la hauteur pour retrouver motivation et enthousiasme.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Can picture himself in other contexts; applies his commitment and motivation to other activities and fields of expertise.
Perseveres in his undertakings and projects; paves the way for other staff and supports them.
Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
A CESI, je sensibilise nos étudiants aux dérives éthiques lors d'enseignements sur la recherche et l'innovation avec quelques partages d'expérience. Je suis aussi un relai envers des collègues lorsqu'ils ont un doute sur le bien fondé de leur démarche.
A Artimia, j'ai eu l'occasion de proposer des solutions face à des décisions non éthiques prises par des salariés ayant une méconnaissance de cette thématique en les accompagnant dans ces réflexions avec bienveillance.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Respects the standards and practices of his entity.
Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.
Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.
Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.
Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.
Declares any conflict of interest.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de contribuer au développement des politiques d'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, c'est la seul chose qui m'empêche d'aller au-delà de la phase 2 de développement. Je sais en effet évaluer mes compétences, points forts et faiblesses, il s'agit d'une nécessité au quotidien pour manager de futurs ingénieurs qui peuvent être parfois mécontents de ce que nous proposons dans le cadre de leur scolarité. Je sais faire face à des contestations en apportant un regard éclairé, en faisant prendre du recul à mes étudiants pour qu'ils aient une vision d'ensemble de la situation générant contestation. Il m'est arrivé de devoir défendre des collaborateurs et l'institution à de nombreuses reprises, ainsi que nos évaluations.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Knows how to deal with strong opposition.
Draws on his strengths and transcends his weaknesses.
Knows how to cope with pressure generated by his career or his personal life.
Is able to keep his work and home environments separate.
Personal and relational qualities
Listening and empathy
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je sais dire quand les choses sont bonnes ou mauvaises, et surtout avec bienveillance et justifications factuelles. Je propose toujours des pistes pour progresser et m'appuyer sur les points forts plutôt que sur les défauts car cela ne fait pas progresser. Mon écoute et mon empathie sont des atouts qui poussent mon entourage à parler en toute franchise pour travailler avec efficacité, sans tabous ou non-dits.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Has the ability to listen in various situations.
Understands the needs and way of thinking of the people he deals with, including those with a different field of expertise, occupation and/or culture.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Lorsque je dois planifier un intervenant, jauger ses compétences et son adéquation pour l'intervention fait partie de mes compétences.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.
Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je forme mes étudiants à communiquer efficacement, je dois donc faire figure d'exemple car ma posture est modélisante. Je fais preuve d'un esprit de vulgarisation en adaptant mon discours à mon public, particulièrement lorsque je donne des cours, avec divers supports en fonction du contexte le plus propice aux apprentissages. Je sais transmettre mes compétences aux autres pour utiliser les bons outils et ai déjà travaillé ces aspects là aussi bien en français qu'en anglais avec des collègues anglophones intervenant dans notre formation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.
Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.
Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.
Knows how to address a community of professionals.
Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.
Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.
Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities
Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'analyse souvent les situations, aussi bien techniques, qu'humaines ou organisationnelles afin de proposer des solutions efficaces. J'ai un esprit de synthèse qui me permet de me faire comprendre et de passer les bons messages avec les bons mots. Je sais conseiller mes collègues et mes étudiants en utilisant mon esprit critique pour les aider à comprendre certaines situations complexes difficiles à appréhender.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Knows how to apply his analyzing and synthesizing abilities to new fields.
Takes ownership of new analytical methods.
Has a novel and independent way of thinking and makes significant contributions.
Questions “business-as-usual” scenarios in his activity.
Advises his staff to help them develop their own capacities of analysis and synthesis.
Stimulates critical thinking among his peers and his staff.
Open-mindedness and creativity
Personal and relational qualities
Open-mindedness and creativity
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'accompagne la curiosité et la créativité aussi bien auprès de mes étudiants qu'en conception pédagogique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Explores related fields.
Conceives new projects to find answers to essential questions.
Encourages his staff to seek challenge, be curious and engage in scientific questioning.
Defines and carries out innovative interdisciplinary projects with the help of contributors from various backgrounds.
Serves as a vector of innovation, a realistic visionary, a constructive agitator.
Encourages creativity and innovation among his staff.
Has acquired professional experience abroad in a culture other than his own.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai toujours travaillé de façon engagée et convaincue. Je valorise le travail de mes étudiants, les actions réalisées pour améliorer leur scolarité.
Lorsque des collègues ou étudiants ont des difficultés, j'apporte du soutien et les aide à prendre de la hauteur pour retrouver motivation et enthousiasme.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Can picture himself in other contexts; applies his commitment and motivation to other activities and fields of expertise.
Perseveres in his undertakings and projects; paves the way for other staff and supports them.
Inspires the enthusiasm and commitment of his staff.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
A CESI, je sensibilise nos étudiants aux dérives éthiques lors d'enseignements sur la recherche et l'innovation avec quelques partages d'expérience. Je suis aussi un relai envers des collègues lorsqu'ils ont un doute sur le bien fondé de leur démarche.
A Artimia, j'ai eu l'occasion de proposer des solutions face à des décisions non éthiques prises par des salariés ayant une méconnaissance de cette thématique en les accompagnant dans ces réflexions avec bienveillance.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Respects the standards and practices of his entity.
Demonstrates integrity in the processing and dissemination of data.
Demonstrates integrity with respect to his partners’ or competitors' contributions in accordance with intellectual property rules.
Upholds the confidentiality and anonymity of subjects taking part in studies and research.
Honors his commitments and ensures the congruence between actions and words.
Declares any conflict of interest.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de contribuer au développement des politiques d'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle, c'est la seul chose qui m'empêche d'aller au-delà de la phase 2 de développement. Je sais en effet évaluer mes compétences, points forts et faiblesses, il s'agit d'une nécessité au quotidien pour manager de futurs ingénieurs qui peuvent être parfois mécontents de ce que nous proposons dans le cadre de leur scolarité. Je sais faire face à des contestations en apportant un regard éclairé, en faisant prendre du recul à mes étudiants pour qu'ils aient une vision d'ensemble de la situation générant contestation. Il m'est arrivé de devoir défendre des collaborateurs et l'institution à de nombreuses reprises, ainsi que nos évaluations.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Knows how to deal with strong opposition.
Draws on his strengths and transcends his weaknesses.
Knows how to cope with pressure generated by his career or his personal life.
Is able to keep his work and home environments separate.
Personal and relational qualities
Listening and empathy
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je sais dire quand les choses sont bonnes ou mauvaises, et surtout avec bienveillance et justifications factuelles. Je propose toujours des pistes pour progresser et m'appuyer sur les points forts plutôt que sur les défauts car cela ne fait pas progresser. Mon écoute et mon empathie sont des atouts qui poussent mon entourage à parler en toute franchise pour travailler avec efficacité, sans tabous ou non-dits.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Has the ability to listen in various situations.
Understands the needs and way of thinking of the people he deals with, including those with a different field of expertise, occupation and/or culture.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Lorsque je dois planifier un intervenant, jauger ses compétences et son adéquation pour l'intervention fait partie de mes compétences.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is able to detect people’s unstated needs based on the requests they formulate.
Knows how to reconcile the drivers, requirements and constraints of his contacts to reach a consensus, and is able to gather all the information needed to do so.
Personal and relational qualities
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je forme mes étudiants à communiquer efficacement, je dois donc faire figure d'exemple car ma posture est modélisante. Je fais preuve d'un esprit de vulgarisation en adaptant mon discours à mon public, particulièrement lorsque je donne des cours, avec divers supports en fonction du contexte le plus propice aux apprentissages. Je sais transmettre mes compétences aux autres pour utiliser les bons outils et ai déjà travaillé ces aspects là aussi bien en français qu'en anglais avec des collègues anglophones intervenant dans notre formation.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.
Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.
Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.
Knows how to address a community of professionals.
Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.
Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.
Manager; Research; Teaching
Manager pédagogique de futurs ingénieurs à CESI, j'ai apporté mon dynamisme et mon leadership pour développer le campus lillois et gérer ses formations d'ingénieur en spécialité informatique.
Business management and value creation
Business management and value creation
Project management
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Ma thèse, les projets scientifiques rédigés à Artimia ainsi que mes activités de pilotage de promotion à CESI contribuent à mettre en avant mes compétences de conduite de projet. Mes activités nécessitent une organisation méthodique pour être efficace et prioriser les tâches.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is attentive to discontinuities, trends and weak signals; is prepared for the unexpected; identifies unforeseen opportunities in the project.
Recognizes good ideas and best practices, identifies weaknesses and gaps.
Considers and implements any necessary changes in objectives, organization, schedule, resources and quality requirements.
Knows how to drive his staff in compliance with scheduling and time constraints.
Utilizes a wide range of project management strategies; clarifies priorities and formalizes expectations.
Introduces quality systems.
Guides difficult, complex projects to successful completion; manages several projects simultaneously and efficiently; can intervene to conduct project audits and propose action plans to get projects back on track.
Provides support or assistance to his staff; takes over on projects that lack leadership.
Business management and value creation
Managing change
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai déjà dû accompagné le changement de programmes pédagogiques et de lieu de notre campus auprès de nos étudiants. Expliquer les motivations de ces changements pour les faire accepter a été nécessaire et difficile pour certains d'entre eux. J'ai dû mettre du sens, accompagner le changement de façon progressive et me réorganiser pour qu'il soit réalisé avec efficacité et sens.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
Business management and value creation
Managing risks
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je sais anticiper les problèmes et proposer des actions pour les éviter.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Can determine the risks related to his project and the means for controlling them.
- Is aware that technological and financial risks increase during the innovation process.
- Understands the concept of corporate social responsibility.
Business management and value creation
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Il arrive que ma direction me demande conseille sur certaines actions et je sais me montrer force de proposition à cet effet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
- Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Obtaining and managing funding
Business management and value creation
Obtaining and managing funding
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai géré le budget annuel des promotions que je supervise pour planifier des intervenants et réaliser des commandes de matériel. J'ai construit ces budgets pour les maîtriser.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Manages his own funding and is comfortable in discussions with budget, financial and economic decision-makers.
Understands the funding process and knows how to determine the profitability of an activity.
Knows how to answer a request for proposals and/or write a grant application.
Business management and value creation
People management
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Étant responsable pédagogique à CESI École d'Ingénieurs, je suis un manager pour les étudiants sous ma responsabilité. J'ai pris des responsabilités hors de mon périmètre lorsque nous n'avions pas de directeur pendant plus d'un an afin de contribuer au développement de l'école en son absence, ainsi qu'en défendant la tolérance et le bien-être. J'ai développé des compétences de mentorat aussi bien envers les étudiants que les collègues.
J'ai géré des projets école et des groupes projet d'étudiants dans toutes leur dimension (management, gestion de conflits), des aspects sécurités/normes bâtiment, accompagné l'évolution professionnelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
As a manager, makes appropriate use of the full spectrum of HR policies and management tools with regard to his teams (recruitment, promotion, evaluation, safety rules, principles of non-discrimination and diversity, etc.).
Puts together and directs a team, taking advantage of the strengths and skills of each member.
Has the ability to set objectives for his staff and evaluate their attainment.
Knows how to delegate and monitor.
Supports his staff; encourages them to become more autonomous and recognizes their commitment and results.
Ensures the collective success of projects.
Detects and nurtures the talents of his staff and supports to their professional development.
Knows how to deal with conflicts.
Involves his staff in decision-making.
Has his own management style.
Is able to define guidelines for safety and social responsibility.
Accepts responsibilities beyond his defined scope for the good of the organization as a whole.
Business management and value creation
Customer focus
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je suis capable de répondre à des besoins client (étudiants souhaitant intégrer notre école) et leur proposer la formation la plus appropriée.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is attentive to national and international markets; takes incoming and outgoing communication (suppliers, customers) into account.
Gathers information on the needs and expectations of internal and external customers.
Uses his technical expertise and familiarity with products to propose solutions tailored to customers.
Masters the basics of marketing.
Business management and value creation
Project management
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Ma thèse, les projets scientifiques rédigés à Artimia ainsi que mes activités de pilotage de promotion à CESI contribuent à mettre en avant mes compétences de conduite de projet. Mes activités nécessitent une organisation méthodique pour être efficace et prioriser les tâches.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is attentive to discontinuities, trends and weak signals; is prepared for the unexpected; identifies unforeseen opportunities in the project.
Recognizes good ideas and best practices, identifies weaknesses and gaps.
Considers and implements any necessary changes in objectives, organization, schedule, resources and quality requirements.
Knows how to drive his staff in compliance with scheduling and time constraints.
Utilizes a wide range of project management strategies; clarifies priorities and formalizes expectations.
Introduces quality systems.
Guides difficult, complex projects to successful completion; manages several projects simultaneously and efficiently; can intervene to conduct project audits and propose action plans to get projects back on track.
Provides support or assistance to his staff; takes over on projects that lack leadership.
Business management and value creation
Managing change
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai déjà dû accompagné le changement de programmes pédagogiques et de lieu de notre campus auprès de nos étudiants. Expliquer les motivations de ces changements pour les faire accepter a été nécessaire et difficile pour certains d'entre eux. J'ai dû mettre du sens, accompagner le changement de façon progressive et me réorganiser pour qu'il soit réalisé avec efficacité et sens.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 3 of development of this skill.
Business management and value creation
Managing risks
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je sais anticiper les problèmes et proposer des actions pour les éviter.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Can determine the risks related to his project and the means for controlling them.
- Is aware that technological and financial risks increase during the innovation process.
- Understands the concept of corporate social responsibility.
Business management and value creation
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Il arrive que ma direction me demande conseille sur certaines actions et je sais me montrer force de proposition à cet effet.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Knows how to make appropriate decisions for each phase of his project.
- Assists his line management in making major decisions (e.g., reporting, scenarios)
Obtaining and managing funding
Business management and value creation
Obtaining and managing funding
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai géré le budget annuel des promotions que je supervise pour planifier des intervenants et réaliser des commandes de matériel. J'ai construit ces budgets pour les maîtriser.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Manages his own funding and is comfortable in discussions with budget, financial and economic decision-makers.
Understands the funding process and knows how to determine the profitability of an activity.
Knows how to answer a request for proposals and/or write a grant application.
Business management and value creation
People management
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Étant responsable pédagogique à CESI École d'Ingénieurs, je suis un manager pour les étudiants sous ma responsabilité. J'ai pris des responsabilités hors de mon périmètre lorsque nous n'avions pas de directeur pendant plus d'un an afin de contribuer au développement de l'école en son absence, ainsi qu'en défendant la tolérance et le bien-être. J'ai développé des compétences de mentorat aussi bien envers les étudiants que les collègues.
J'ai géré des projets école et des groupes projet d'étudiants dans toutes leur dimension (management, gestion de conflits), des aspects sécurités/normes bâtiment, accompagné l'évolution professionnelle.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
As a manager, makes appropriate use of the full spectrum of HR policies and management tools with regard to his teams (recruitment, promotion, evaluation, safety rules, principles of non-discrimination and diversity, etc.).
Puts together and directs a team, taking advantage of the strengths and skills of each member.
Has the ability to set objectives for his staff and evaluate their attainment.
Knows how to delegate and monitor.
Supports his staff; encourages them to become more autonomous and recognizes their commitment and results.
Ensures the collective success of projects.
Detects and nurtures the talents of his staff and supports to their professional development.
Knows how to deal with conflicts.
Involves his staff in decision-making.
Has his own management style.
Is able to define guidelines for safety and social responsibility.
Accepts responsibilities beyond his defined scope for the good of the organization as a whole.
Business management and value creation
Customer focus
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je suis capable de répondre à des besoins client (étudiants souhaitant intégrer notre école) et leur proposer la formation la plus appropriée.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
Is attentive to national and international markets; takes incoming and outgoing communication (suppliers, customers) into account.
Gathers information on the needs and expectations of internal and external customers.
Uses his technical expertise and familiarity with products to propose solutions tailored to customers.
Masters the basics of marketing.
Strategy and Leadership
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Je suis sensible à la stratégie de développement de notre campus, la promotion de nos formations. La vision de l'école me permet d'axer mes discours et ma méthodologie. J'ai pu approfondir ma connaissance et le fonctionnement complexe des institutions dans lesquelles j'ai travaillé (Université de Lille, Artimia, CESI).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Observes his environment; recognizes discontinuities and micro-trends; detects weak signals.
- Develops his own approach and shapes his understanding of the topic.
- Encourages brainstorming and draws conclusions relevant to his area of activity.
- Regularly produces documents of a forward-looking and strategic nature.
- Makes sure that his activities contribute to the company’s strategy and attainment of its objectives, and to the enrichment of his organization or sector of activity.
- Is familiar with various innovation strategies.
- Ensures that his staff is aware of and understands their environment and the importance of strategy.
Strategy and Leadership
An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
J'ai su être à la hauteur de l'enjeu du développement du campus de Lille. Cela a été possible grâce à mon leadership :
- envers les étudiants que j'ai fédéré à notre formation et au désir de se dépasser dans la formation avec succès
- envers mes collègues à qui mes idées et mon pragmatisme permettent de mieux s'inscrire dans les actions à réaliser pour notre campus (discours envers les étudiants, méthodes de travail, expliciter le sens des travaux à réaliser).
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
- Recognizes the need for and merits of collective effort; knows how to motivate and drive the entity he manages.
- Is familiar with various leadership styles and adapts them to the specific project and the people on the team.
- Is known within the company as a leader with the potential to promote ideas and initiatives and contribute effectively to their implementation.
- Is able to impose his leadership in a competitive context.
- Coordinates and mobilizes networks.
- Encourages his staff to build a climate of trust.
- Grooms his staff for future leadership roles.
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