
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 02 07 24
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Doctorante en Chimie Physique

Etudiante passionnée par la radiochimie, je suis aujourd'hui doctorante en Chimie Physique dans un contexte de thérapie contre le cancer, l'hadronthérapie (soit la thérapie par les ions accélérés).
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Recherche public ou privée

Last modified on 02 07 24
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R&D Engineer - Biomaterials & Nanotech

R&D engineer in biomaterials and nanotechnology with graphene expertise, I turn innovation into groundbreaking solutions for healthcare and advanced materials.
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Universite de technologie de troyes

Last modified on 02 07 24
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PhD researcher - Nanophotonics and ML techniques

Hi! I'm Julian, a PhD researcher currently residing in France. I am working at the Université de Technologie de Troyes on the modeling of biomimetic photonic structures using Symbolic Regression.
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Post-doctorat en neurosciences (électrophysiologie et recherche animale)

Doctorant.e en neurosciences (Université de Rouen Normandie) sur la dynamique cérébrale de la récupération post-AVC / PhD student in Neurosciences about brain dynamics of post-stroke recovery
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Doctorant en Immunologie

Last modified on 02 07 24
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Computational scientist in engineering

I am really passionate about mathematics and its real-world applications. Moreover, I am a motivated self-starter and analytical problem solver who views obstacles as challenges!
Last modified on 02 07 24
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R&D engineer in polymer chemistry

Welcome to my scientific portfolio dedicated to my research in polymer engineering. You will discover my achievements and skills acquired throughout my PhD.
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Ingénieure R&D en chimie des matériaux-électrochimie-corrosion-protection des matériaux

Titulaire d'un doctorat en Sciences des Matériaux, je suis à la recherche d'une nouvelle expérience en tant qu'Ingénieur Matériaux ou Ingénieur R&D en Chimie des Matériaux.
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Doctorante SHS

Doctorante en sciences humaines et sociales, avec pour projet professionnel futur Chercheur en SHS et/ou ingénieur de recherche.
Last modified on 02 07 24
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Enseignement, Recherche

Bienvenue! Doctorant en Langues et Littératures Etrangères, j'étudie la littérature de l'exil de la Guinée Equatoriale. Une littérature engagée peu connue, que j'analyse théoriquement et empiriquement